• IMG_4653

Daily words vol.3 (set of six) 日常文字 vol.3 (一套六款)

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HK$ 190.00 HKD
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活在當下 - Live in the moment
自由自在 - Footloose and fancy-free
感謝相遇 - Grateful for the encounter
莫忘初衷 - Stay with your original intention
溫柔以待 - Treat gently
歲月靜好 - Peaceful and steady life

- Made in Taiwan

- Stamp size:  28x8mm
- Beechwood + White rubber
- The logo of Liberty.hk is printed on the side of the stamp
- The handles are made from different parts of wood, so the color of each seal is different in color/texture

- 台灣製造
- 印章尺寸: 28x8mm
- 山毛櫸木頭 + 白色橡皮
- 印章側面印有Liberty.hk的Logo
- 把手是使用不同部位的木頭製作的,所以每個印章的木頭顏色深淺/紋路皆不同哦!